We learned that Gavin likes to take risks at his own pace and on his own. Gavin has always been a timid boy. One thing he has always been a little wary of is water. He hated his bath from early on. He screamed through most of his baths up until he was about 8 months. We spent a week on the beach last summer and he wouldn't go near the water until the last day. This weekend while we were on our trip to Boston we stayed at a hotel that had an indoor water park. We were so excited for Gavin to try it out. He was excited. He had no problem getting into the water, but he was very hesitant of doing much else. He screamed after he went down one of the small
water slides. He wanted to be near his daddy and he didn't want to try many things out. We kept trying to encourage and push a little, but he wouldn't explore further. Our final hour there, we let Gavin go in the water on his own. It was as only a foot deep and we were close by. It was amazing to see him start to experiment with the water. He would put his cheek in the water and then his other cheek and then the back of his head until most of his went under. He got more bold with some of the water fountains. He just became more comfortable in the water and it was all on his own. I realized that I need to back off a little bit and let him try things on his own because I think he will be more brave and will eventually figure it out on his own. He is a risk taker when he is on his own. Maybe this will happen with potty training. :)
that sounds like an awesome hotel, I am glad Gavin finally ventured out...Happy Mother's Day!!!
simon is the same way; cautiousness is a great trait in a firstborn--it either makes the younger ones wary when they see the older one hesitate, or they get policed by "big brother". hooray for those life-vests--that finally made water fun in our fam!
Yes..Gavin is our little police officer!
Hey I'm so excited to see you blog and I'm even more excited to come visit soon. I love the blog and can't wait to see more of those pretty boys. I mean it in a good way!!! Love to all
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