As parents we try and impose rules that are supposed to benefit our children in the long run.. But, sometimes we find ourselves setting rules that really have no benefit. "No ice cream until you finish your hamburger, fries and soda!" We found ourselves saying this to our children when we traveled last weekend and there weren't many options for dinners on the road.
We went to the wedding of Boyd's former colleague and good friend Chris' this past weekend. Chris and Bea have been good friends and know they will be a happy couple. There wedding was a lot of fun to attend. Chris wore a kilt and Bea wore a dress to match. It was in the Pocono Mountains at Trout Lake. It was a weekend long event. Most of the guests stayed in cabins along the river. WE decided to stay at a hotel to avoid keeping strangers up all night since the cabins were shared space. We played all day at the lake. Gavin loves the water and the sand. We even took Gavin and Eli out on a paddle boat.

I hope your kids know how lucky they are to have you as parents.
You take great pictures! It also helps that your kids are so cute! I'm at jon-tara.blogspot.com
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