Monday, July 19, 2010

PreK Graduation

I am so proud of our little graduate.  He made it through preK!  They had a sweet little ceremony for the kids and both Boyd and I could attend.

We have had an interesting experience in PReK to say the least.  There have been many times that I questioned my decision to do the public PREK.  I almost pulled him on several occasions. But, I do think Gavin grew up quite a bit from  the experience.  I realized more of how to be a parent of a child attending school and that I need to be a more assertive parent.

Here is the graduate with his medal and diploma!  Ms. Mota is behind him and she was his assistant teacher.

Ms. Santiago was his teacher.

Gavin met a lot of great friends and so did I.  Many times after school we would go to park and play at the Cave Park.  Several of his classmates also went.  I am grateful for the friendships formed. 

You have to check out this video.  I love watching Gavin dance and the little boy in his class is hilarious!
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Liz Green said...

Congrats to Gavin! How fun that they had a graduation ceremony. Gavin is quite the dancer.

Ryan said...

What a great little boy.

Monica Rich said...

So sweet! Now it's on to kindergarten!