Last New Year we cheered on several of our friends who decided to run in the Emerald Nuts Central Park Midnight run on New Years. It is a race that begins after the countdown on New Years and it is 4 miles. I had wanted to run in it, but I chickened out. So, I promised myself that I would do it next year.
2008 passed too quickly! Most of you know that I am not a runner. I used to be athletic, but I could never run very well. I started off the year very well. I was working out and eating better, but just before summer I got off track. I started working out again in November, but because of the holidays I have not been working out.
The day before the race I realized the race was approaching. I have to admit I didn't want to do it. The weather was supposed to be near 0 degrees and windy. Luckily, Jamie didn't back down and she encouraged me and we decided we were going to live up to our promise to ourselves.
The weather predictions were correct and the temp felt close to 6 with the wind chill. We (me, Jamie, Becky, and Sam)bundled up and went on our way. Boyd was kind enough to stay behind to watch the kids, so they didn't have to endure the cold.

It was cold, but it was also very exciting. With everyone all squished together we began the countdown and then the firework began as we started the race . It was very exciting I must say. . At the 2 mile marker there was water and non-alcoholic champagne. So, My first goal was make it there without stopping. Once I got there and had a swallow, I continued on my way and I didn't stop again until I reached the finish line. I did run the whole thing, but I would say it was more of a jog/shuffle. I am sure I looked funny, but I didn't care. I just wanted to finish the race. And I did. It took me almost exactly one hour to finish.

I arrived to my friends cheering me on. ( a huge sacrifice since they had to wait in the cold for an additional 20 minutes)

I hope that this year I can really focus on the needs of my little family and make sure I am meeting them. I need to take care of myself as well. I've realized that my health is so important and I am not taking very good care of my body. I want to change that.
As a family we decided it is going to be a year focused on simplicity and humility. We have been blessed with so much and we need to truly respect and appreciate it.
Happy New Year!
You are a rockstar! Seriously -- my idol. Adam and I are going to do it with you next year, ok?
I would love if you joined me next year! Now, we just have to convince Boyd!
I was thinking about you at midnight. I'm impressed with your endurance in the cold.
I love the non-alcoholic champagne!
good for you em!
way to go!! that's awesome! and sounds like so much fun (expect for the cold part- wow!!) super brave of you to run it, especially in the middle of the night in freezing cold weather!! definitely a rockstar!!
No way, Emily! So proud of you! Even in my younger years, I don't think I would have attempted such a thing, especially in the freezin' cold! Running was never my thing. I'll stick with the softball and the snowboarding -- my comfort zone, I guess. Is that Sam, Sam Brunson? If so, say hello to him for me. Well, time to do my morning routine, and get on the elliptical. I hate it, but do it every morning, just to keep in shape. This morning I might even feel just a tad more grateful that I'm on the elliptical and not out running a 4 miler in the snow and 0 temp!
Sarah's comment would be my comment exactly! (I didn't notice that she was signed in on our computer! -- still getting used to this technological age!) So I'll say ditto to Sarah's comment and now go get on the elliptical! Greg
Great Job Emily! I don't think I'm that dedicated! Although it would be kind of fun!
It is so good to catch up with you on facebook and in your blog. We have a blog too, it's www.thesunnysmiths.blogspot.com
I have been a slacker lately with blogging, because I've recently found so many people on facebook that I've been mostly on there, but I'm getting back in the swing of things.
Hi Uncle Greg.. I have to admit I was bit confused! The elliptical is my choice of workout machines as well!
I am impressed. Seriously, I will go my whole life without doing something that remarkable!
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