(and no, not all of Wall Street is bad and corrupt) I just had to get this little outfit for him. He looks just like his daddy. I just adore this little monkey. Yes, he makes me want lock myself in my room and collapse on the bed at the end of the day, but with a smile like his, I can't stay away for long. He is growing up so fast and is well into toddler hood.

He loves exposed bellies and the minute he sees ones he comes running after it and puts his face on it or puts his hands all over it like he is tickling it. Gavin loves to play this game with him and the other day I even used it as a way for him to follow me.
He now has a little scowl whenever he gets upset. He has a sense of ownership and is having a harder time giving things up.
He carries his blanket around like Linus.
Boyd still puts him in the Bjorn (front carrier) from time to time because he loves it. I get a kick out of it because Eli's legs hang down to Boyd's knees.
His little personality gets stronger every day! Watch out!
He now has a little scowl whenever he gets upset. He has a sense of ownership and is having a harder time giving things up.
He carries his blanket around like Linus.
Boyd still puts him in the Bjorn (front carrier) from time to time because he loves it. I get a kick out of it because Eli's legs hang down to Boyd's knees.
His little personality gets stronger every day! Watch out!
Soooo cute! He looks very dapper. Lance loves his blankie, too. There's just something about a baby dragging a blankie around- I love it!
he needs a mustache and a top hat and he would look like the guy from monopoly. Cute em.
Ry's monopoly comment made me laugh aloud.
So cute. Where did you get that outfit? I've been looking for some daddy threads for Miles. The girls always look so cute and dressed up on Sundays, and Miles looks the same as he does any other day. Where do you get good boys' clothes like that?
Hey Mon..
The best selection of boys Sunday clothes have been at Macy's at 34th Street. They have a huge selection. Children's Place has sweater vests and things like that, but Macy's really is the only place I have seen clothes like these.
Boyd and I got a kick out of the Monopoly comment as well!
What a little man! I so love all those men in your life!
Love, Grandma Miggy
I looooved the future of Wall Street! So promising! Love you!
he looks adorable! and really does looks like a mini boyd!! you gotta get them dressed up side by side! like his little mini me!! wall street for sure- what a handsome little guy!!
Wow those kids are adorable! We sure do miss you guys. We're back in February. Let's be sure to get together!
What cute kids you have Em, I had fun catching up on your Christmas adventures and way-to-go on your run! You win, running after midnight in freezing weather, whew...
Love the outfit. So Cute. I'm glad I'm not the only mother who puts their toddler in a tie and suit. Ryan gave me such a hard time when I made him where it to church.
Your christmas looked so fun!! What great pics. great job on your run!! Woo-Hoo!!
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