Joshua is now 7 Months! He has definetely reached "the awakening" period. I don't know if I heard that somewhere or if I just named it that because babies finally come realize that there is a lot of really cool things within their grasp. He has started eating solids and is loving it. He still smiles continually and at anyone who pays him attention. He has 2 teeth. He finally started sitting up (closer to 7 months), he also finally rolled from front to back. He is still pretty much bald and I love it. Here are his 6 months stats:
Height: 29 1/4 inches 97th percentile
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz abd 60th percentile
Head : 46 cm It's big.
wow...he's getting so big!
He is so cute! All of your boys are darling. I love seeing your updates!
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