A few weeks ago we went to Ocean City to visit Boyd's Brother Joel and his family.. They were there visiting family and we couldn't resist driving up to see them while they were on the East Coast. Gavin was so excited to see his cousins!

Traffic was the worst it has ever been, but we made it to Ocean City where we had great time on the beach and at dinner.

n it And then it was off to the Boardwalk where Gavin and Eli discovered they love amusement parks!

We love Coryn, Joel, JJ, Jensyn, and Lincoln
I love to see your adventures! Your boys are so cute!!!!
Now that is a good looking, safety first family! 20 miles???
Hi Emily...this is Julianne Parmenter. I found your blog through Rebecca's! Hey I wanted to talk you about a couple of things...just about the ward playgroup email list and pre-k. Email me at jubiefruit@hotmail.com, if you would!
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