Thoughtful: Eli broke a necklace I had purchased for Gina's wedding that I had searched high and low for and spent more than I normally would for an accessory. I was furious and Gavin new that I had been. A few weeks after the incident, Gavin made a necklace at Preschool. When I picked him up at that day, I picked up his stuff and put in his backpack. We were walking home he kept asking me where necklace was. I finally pulled it out and he said, "This necklace is for you because Eli broke your special necklace." He was so proud. I couldn't take it off that whole day because it really touched me. He has become aware of other's feelings. He held my hand the other day when I was laying on the bed because I wasn't' feeling well. (Eli took the other hand following his brother's lead)
Example: Eli follows Gavin's every move. Everything Gavin does Eli wants to do it to. If Gavin is playing with something or eating something, Eli wants it. It drives Gavin crazy, but I also think he kind of likes it. He is excited to teach Eli to do something. He was able to get Eli to finally lay down in the bath tub by showing him how to do it.
adventurous: While he has never been a big daredevil and he is quite cautious, he is becoming a bit more adventurous. He is climbing on everything. He is a pro at his scooter. He loves to swim.
sensitive: Gavin is having a hard time controlling his emotions right now. He is easily riled up. He is easy to upset and offend. He gets hurt quite easily. (physically and emotionally.) But, that makes him sensitive to other's feelings as well, so I think it is a good thing in the long run! :)
Imagination: He is into Disney's CARS right now and it is fun to hear him play with his toys and create new worlds. He still loves trains. He is also enjoying cooking. He wants to help me with dinner almost every night. HE always makes breakfast with his Daddy.
Imagination: He is into Disney's CARS right now and it is fun to hear him play with his toys and create new worlds. He still loves trains. He is also enjoying cooking. He wants to help me with dinner almost every night. HE always makes breakfast with his Daddy.
He is a daddy's boy right. Who can blame the boy when he has such a fun dad. Here is a Tie he made for his dad for Father's Day. He was so excited to have him wear it. Boyd got some great compliments on it!

So sweet. I love the necklace story. Don't they just melt you sometimes?
We're sorry to have missed the party. Way to pull out the creative gene, Em!
This looks like such a great time. What a great mom you are to know your boy and what would make him feel truly celebrated. Wish we could have been there too.
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