It just hasn't happened. Eli was very sick for a while and I just couldn't find time to post. He had a strong reaction to the MMR, most of his top teeth were working their way through the gums, he developed a cold, and finally he had a ear infection. We were so worried about him, because he was not himself. He just was so miserable that he was always unhappy. It was so hard to seem him without his smile. But, he is back and is getting into trouble!

Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks...

A play date with some old friends

Boyd pulled out the guitar after a long recess.. Gavin couldn't get enough of it!

Little Learners field trip to the Apple Orchards

A feast fit for a prince...

Prince Brandon...Thanks for sharing!

I better get packing.. You probably won't hear from me for a while as we are off for San Diego tomorrow!
You're boys are always so cute :-)
That's exciting that you're going to San Diego (have you been there before?). I love it there and I can't wait to back... I look forward to seeing some of your photos :-D
Glad your son is feeling better.
So glad he is better! It was so sad to see him so miserable.
Glad it didn't happen next week!
Have a fun trip! Thanks for sharing the pics.
ahhh, san diego. i hope it's warm. its supposed to snow here tomorrow so there has been a chilly breeze in the air. sun, beach, ocean.... sounds warm. have fun!
What fun pictures, I am sorry to hear about little Eli's "run-in" with his shots...but glad he is back to normal. Have in San Diego!
wish i could have seen y'all in san diego - maybe sometime boyd and y'all can come to san diego and we take a day out for the beach. i'm glad katie and the kids got to hang out with emily, gavin and eli at the wild animal park, it was a nice day for that -- not such a nice day for working in an office. of course i could say that about every day here. --Brad
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