Boyd, Gavin, and I went to my 20 week anatomy scan this week. We decided to bring Gavin because he has been so excited about this baby. He has wanted to see pictures and asks every week if he can more pictures, so we decided we had better let him come.
There has been no hiding the fact that I have really been wanting a girl to add to our little family. I felt very strongly that it was going to be a girl. I even had her name all picked out. (Louisa) (I am going to still use that if we every have a 4th and she happens to be a girl, so don't steal it! ahhah)
The ultra sound technician announced within the first few minutes, "It's a GIRL!" WHAT? I teared up. I was so happy. I could hardly believe it. Then about 4-5 minutes later, she said, "umm, I am going to try and get a better look, because I think I am seeing something down there." Sure enough, she saw "something" down there. There was no mistaking that "something" determined it was not a girl, but in fact a boy.
I am not going to lie and say that I didn't break down and cry. I tried to hide it from Gavin. I didn't want him telling his future brother some day. Of course, I am writing this post and someday, he will probably read it, but by then he shouldn't have any doubts that we love him and cherish him!
The night I found out, my friends organized a little gathering of friends to announce what I was having. Everyone was supposed to wear pink if they thought I was having a girl and blue if they thought I was having a boy. I was supposed to wear what it really was. I wore a blue shirt with a pink sweatshirt over it. I figured I could trick them since that is what happened to me! It was a fun night and it was fun to be around such great friends.
I am so grateful to be pregnant and to have this little spirit growing inside me. I can honestly say that I love him so much already. I will be a mom to 3 boys! The thought overwhelms me a little bit, but I think we can handle it. The two little guys I have already are so special and adorable and I know the 3rd little boy is going to be just as special.

Oh, Em! Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you to have 3 boys, Really, you'll love it. They'll be such great buddies and someday when you do have that little girl, your world will turn upside down. For now, you're still on familiar territory and you know what you're doing! Babies are so precious, I am so so so excited and happy for you!
aw, that post brought tears to my eyes. that is one lucky little boy. i mean, that's three lucky little boys, right?! you are a wonderful mom and friend. i am so excited for you!
three little boys will keep you busy, i know. but one day they will be great friends and watch out for each other and if you do have that girl, they'll be her protector. we, too, are hoping for a girl sometime, but for now, enjoy your little boy! Congratulations!
Congratulations Emily! That is really exciting for all of you. I am sure he will be as adorable as the other two.
Congrats, Emily!!! I'm so excited for you.. A little girl would have been so fun, but you make the sweetest, cutest, boys and Heaven knows we need some more of those running around :) So excited for you. Can't wait to see what you decide to name him. You have the BEST taste in baby names. Loves!!
Besides, you have to match Jana!
I got tears in my eyes thinking of you and how you want your girl. I hope you get your girl someday, and for now, that little guy is going to be amazing in your family! Congratulations!!!!
You didn't tell me about the 4 minutes of an actual confirmation that you were going to have a girl...
I'm so excited to meet him Emily! Your boys have such wonderfully unique personalities...won't this be fun to watch him grow into his!?
I love you:)
Congrats from Seth and Linda! We are excited for the new addition to your family! You guys make cute boys, so I'm sure the third one will be adorable too! :-)
What a roller-coaster way to find out! I always thank moms of a stream of boys b/c i'm grateful for the fourth-in-a-row nolte boy i got to marry. hope you're feeling well-- and that sounded like a fun finding out party with the friends.
congratulations! wow! what a crazy way to find out! that's rough on a hormonal pregomama's emotions! It's true, you guys make very handsome boys, and you'll be great being in the middle of the boy craziness! we're very excited for you guys! (p.s. what a fun party for announcing the gender!)
Join the club!!! Boys are so fun! I have to admit I cried when I found out we were having a 3rd boy as well...I wanted a girl so bad, but Garrett is so fun, love him to pieces!
Oh I'm so happy and excited for you Em! I'll admit I was hoping for that girl for you as well, but obviously you and Boyd are doing a pretty amazing job raising boys so HF has to send you another. How lucky he is to be coming to your home. We need more wonderful boys in this world, and you and Boyd are just the right people to shape all your boys into little wonders. Love you so much!
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