I have not posted in years! 5 years to be exact. Eek. I started Instagram and well, I stopped posting. I am finally converting my blog to a book and I really wanted Luisa to be in it, because she was born IN NYC and lived her first 2 years there. I want her to be part of the New York Nelsons book.
We couldn't decide if we were going to have a fourth. I felt like 3 was all we could handle, but eventually we really felt strongly about having another one. The truth is we really wanted a girl, but we knew we had to be ok with a boy.
We knew we had to find out what we were having, but we wanted to be surprised too. WE had our friend Lynda call the Dr's office to find out the gender. She then baked a cake and died it to be pink. When I cut into the cake and saw that it was pink. I nearly died. It was amazing. I knew our little Luisa was going to join us.
The pregnancy was fairly smooth, but at the end I became pre-eclamptic. My blood pressure was just too high. I had a Dr.'s apt on a Friday. I was told that I had the weekend and if they blood pressure went up anymore we would have to be induced on Monday. Lynda threw and incredible baby shower that weekend. I loved it so much. Monday morning came and I went to my Dr.'s apt and my blood pressure hadn't gone down, so I had to head straight to the hospital to be induced.
I had decided long ago that if I had to be induced again that I would get an epidural, so alas, I had to have my final baby with an epidural. I decided that once I got it, I didn't want to feel any pain, so I was annoyed when it wore off pretty quickly. The gave me another dose and it totally numbed my legs. I hated it. It felt like it took forever. Compared to my other births it took forever. I think I got to the hospital around noon and didn't have little Luisa until around 10:30. We had really hoped for her to be born September 1, but she finally came at 10:30. It was really weird to have her and not really feel her come out. It was very different than my other births, but I was so happy when she arrived.
She was such a sweetheart from the beginning. At about a year, she changed dramatically. She fussed a lot and was unhappy and only wanted me. It was strange. She had a lot of attitude. She was still our little angel though, but with an attitude. She has brought us so much joy. I am so glad she was born in NYC. Her roots will always be there, even if she will now be growing up in Las Vegas.