Thursday, December 4, 2008

5 minutes of fame

I nearly walked in on two scenes of a new movie called Solitary Man . I walked out of my door (unshowered, still in my workout clothes) to take out the trash and I notice a whole film crew motioning me to stop. I look to my right and there is Jenna Fischer (from The Office) filming a door scene at the apartment next to me. Then a couple hours later when I was leaving the apartment for the day, I open the door and she (Jenna Fischer) is directly in front of me walking around the corner and they are again filming a scene. Maybe, you'll see me when the movie is released. You will probably hear my screaming boys because you can hear everything from my apartment right outside the door. I am sure they have good editors. Hahaha.
Anyway, I have to say it was really cool to see her. I love that all day I heard "rolling", and "cut" outside my door. I love New York.

It is too bad that I didn't have the guts to ask her if I could take a picture with her ( I didn't want to be annoying and she looked kinda angry). I could have replaced my one celebrity picture with my C list celebrity (Caroline Raye) with an awesome A lister.

I was actually on the Caroline Ray show for about 5 minutes. When I first moved to the city I didn't have a job. I spent a good portion of my time looking for a job, but I also spent a good amount of time going to free TV tapings. Her show was easy to get into and it was fun. One of the times (sad, but true, we went 3 times) I was chosen to be be on a panel where Caroline and some guy from MTV answered questions we had about relationships. (I was single at the time) I asked, "When do you know you should give up on a relationship where the guy seems to be perfect and there isn't anything wrong with him, but you just don't really feel much for him?" The MTV guy came back and asked "How is the sex life?" I just sat there with a red face, not sure what to say. After about 10 seconds he said, "well, there's your problem!" It was pretty embarrassing and funny!

She also tried to set me up on a date with some guys in the audience from Sweden. They gave us a gift certificate for Plataforma (Fancy Brazilian steak house.). I didn't end up going out with the guys, but I go to go with my friends!

Anyway, I wanted to record my pathetic 5 minutes of fame! :)


Ryan said...

Awesome brush with fame. I had forgotten about the Caroline Ray show. fun picture!

cheyney webb said...

Oh, I am so jealous. That will be so cool to see your apartment in the movie (even if they do edit out you and your kids).

I did the same thing when moving to L.A. I went to the Ryan Seacrest show twice and won a gift basket. I think your 5 minutes are much more memorable.

Unknown said...

I found that picture a couple weeks ago and it brought back so many fun memories of you and Monica and that first year here in the city! WE had some good times! I would never truely want to replace that picture because there was alot of fun memories associated with that picture!

Morgan said...

that's so cool. nate said they are filming law and order at the end of our street next week, but i would so much rather see jenna fischer.

Tara said...

I laughed so hard about your interview! We are peculiar, aren't we!

Lindsay said...

Wow, what excitement! I love Jenna Fischer and The Office. Next time go for it and ask for the picture!

The Snead Family said...

SO COOL!!! I would have hugged her or something. I am the biggest fan of the office. anyway-yeah you guys must LOVE living in NYC. Gosh...are there any cheap community colleges there??haha...

Unknown said...

That is awesome!

Unknown said...

How fun! You know, someday I am going to be filming stuff in Manhattan, and you can definitely take pictures with me and I won't be angry. :)
Love you! ♥